martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

G.E.P. at the Internation Albatross and Petrel Conference

This year’s IAPC conference was hosted by the Department of Animal Biology at the University of Barcelona. It was a great 5-day conference which brought together old and new friends.
An happy Dani surrounded by almost all his present and past PhD Students!
The conference was a success. We got the opportunity to share our research, listen to exceptional speakers and take part in exciting debates. Prof. D. Oro was a keynote speaker and opened the demography session (see his contribution here). Dr. A. Sanz-Aguilar presented her work on the role of immigration in rescuing a Scopoli’s Shearwater colony. Ana Payo-Payo presented her work on the effects of termination of supplementary feeding on the ecological synchronization of marine top predators. We are looking forward to attend to the next one!

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